I'm a Software Engineer in Seattle who wants to make software and the internet work for the user and the world. I'm currently a founder and CTO of Limit, an insuretech startup focusing on commercial brokerage and AI. I have worked on various projects in back-end and front-end web development, infrastructure, databases and statistical modeling. Beyond software, I'm interested in mathematics and philosophy, and I like skiing, hiking, listening to electronic music, reading web fiction, and watching anime. In a previous life I studied mathematics at the University of Chicago.
This site is built using my own custom web framework, 1948, statically compiled using Python and various Unix utilities and served using Go. Blog posts are written in Blogdown, a variant of Markdown written in Haskell with built-in footnote support.
I operate this site entirely in my personal capacity, and it does not represent my employer in any way. Except as otherwise noted, all code is owned by me and is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
You can contact me at @alexcbecker.net.